How fear creates beauty

Been reading some very interesting stuff on "fear landscapes"... Basic idea is that the classic concept of a predator changing the ecosystem by culling prey isn't really correct - the much more significant factor is just the *idea* of a predator being nearby changes the behavior of potential prey. They don't go and graze in [...]

How fear creates beauty2013-07-04T10:54:01-04:00

You are already part machine – proprioperception

I’ve had many readers who have wanted more detail on my idea of how humans and machines will merge. It seems farfetched, but I have news for you all. You are already part machine. Let me explain. One of the central goals of my novel Atopia was to tell the story of of humans and [...]

You are already part machine – proprioperception2018-02-20T07:40:02-05:00

Could a special brain cell be responsible for sense of self?

Some interesting research has come up in the past few months regarding the little known Von Economo Neurons (VENs). These big, fat neurons have long stood out from the rest, but recent news seems to indicate they help build the rich inner life of self and form the basis for social relationships. Sounds a [...]

Could a special brain cell be responsible for sense of self?2012-10-04T01:26:22-04:00
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